
1. Purpose
Bramco and its related body corporate are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Act”) and its subsequent amendments, including the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles. Bramco is committed to maintaining the privacy of all Individuals with whom we have dealings and to managing all personal information appropriately.

This Privacy Policy outlines how Bramco manages, uses and protects personal information in compliance with the Act. All employees and officers of Bramco are required to comply with this Privacy Policy and the Act.

2. Application
This policy applies to the following but is not limited to:
all employees including casuals;
job applicants;
website users;
service providers; and

hereafter referred to as ‘Individuals’.

3. Our Commitment to Openness
Bramco is committed to being open and honest about the personal information it collects and the use of that information. Bramco will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means:
which is reasonably necessary for carrying out its business functions; and
if the Individual specifically consents to the collection of sensitive information.

To deliver our commitment to openness Bramco will:

inform you of the specific purpose for which any personal information is collected;
not use your private information for any alternate or secondary purpose other than for which you have permitted its use;
take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from interference, misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure;
ensure that your information can only be accessed for the purpose for which it was intended, by personnel authorised for that purpose;
take reasonable steps to keep personal information up to date, accurate and complete and destroy or de-identify personal information when the information is not needed or required by law; and provide Individuals access to information it holds about that Individual in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

Bramco will not disclose any information to a third party unless authorised and/or required under legislation or where express permission is provided by the Individual. If information is to be shared with a third party, Bramco will take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

4. What kind of personal information is collected and how it is collected
Bramco collects, stores, and uses information for a range of trade and employment purposes.

These include:

records relating to the management of the employment relationship;
applications for employment and communication records;
an employee’s qualifications or identification;
an employee’s personal and emergency contact details;
an employee’s payroll and leave entitlement records;
sensitive personal health information including records of fitness for work;
biometric data used for time and attendance purposes;
terms of client engagement, sales, and credit information; and
website use as specified in section 5.

5. Information in the course of trade

Bramco collects information by way of documents or forms in the course of trade and in the conduct of business activities. Information may be collected directly or indirectly by telephone, fax, mail correspondence, email or via Bramco Limited’s website.

Occasions where Bramco Limited will collect personal information in the course of trade include:

to provide credit terms; or
to facilitate services provided to or by Bramco, where an organisation is a client or service provider or potential client or service provider.

6. Website information

The Bramco website collects information for statistical purposes and to tailor configuration to the needs and preferences of visitors. This may include the server address, browser and operating system, visit history and file download history of users.

Where personal information is collected the details and information disclosed will be held in our client database and used for the purpose for which express permission has been granted.

7. Identifiers and anonymity

Bramco endeavours, wherever reasonable and appropriate, to apply anonymity to the collection of personal information.

8. How is personal information stored and disposed

Information collected by Bramco is securely stored both in physical and electrical forms. All sensitive information is stored in a restricted and secure environment. Bramco holds information only for the primary purpose for which it was intended and destroys information when no longer necessary or where no longer required by law.

9. Keeping personal information up to date and accurate

Bramco takes reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the personal information it holds and may contact Individuals from time to time to confirm personal information is accurate and up to date. If the personal information we hold changes, please contact us so that we may update the information.

10. Transfer of data

As an international trading company, Bramco may, from time to time, transfer personal information outside Australia. If the information is transferred outside of Australia, we will take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that the recipient abides by the Australian Privacy Principles.

11. Security

Bramco takes all reasonable security measures to protect personal information from loss, unauthorised access, destruction, misuse, modification or disclosure. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Bramco accepts no responsibility for the unauthorised access of personal information held by Bramco.

12. Accessing personal information and complaints management

Individuals have a right to access and obtain a copy of the personal information Bramco holds about them (except where restricted by law). To make a request you must advise Bramco Limited in writing specifying the required information and confirming your identity. Bramco reserves the right to charge for reasonable costs incurred in retrieving and supplying any information.

To report a potential breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, please contact the Privacy Officer shown below:

Privacy Officer
16 Templar Place,
Bennett’s green Newcastle,2290

13. Further information and assistance

Further information on how Bramco manages, uses and protects personal information can be obtained by contacting Ampcontrol’s Privacy Officer at the above address. General information on privacy and the Australian Privacy Principles can be obtained from The Office of the Australian Information Commission (

Bramco may amend this policy from time to time to ensure compliance with legislative requirements.